The Ultimate Tag Warrior is an awesome plugin for WordPress that allows a Blog author to add keyword tags to your WordPress posts and pages. UTW is relatively simple to install and use, but contains many advanced features that the user can customize as well. For example, tag clouds (one of the most popular keyword organizing methods) are often used on some of the highest ranking sites. The following tutorial explains how to add a custom tag cloud to WordPress in the footer section.
Note: As of WordPress 2.3 and beyond, this tutorial is obsolete!
How to add a Tag Cloud to WordPress:
This tutorial assumes that you have the Ultimate Tag Warrior Plugin installed.
1. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel and navigate to Presentation -> Theme Editor
2. Locate and select Stylesheet (style.css) from the side panel
3. Add the following code to the bottom of style.css and click update file
.tagcloud { float: center; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; }
3. Now select Footer (footer.php) from the side panel and find the following:
<div id="footer">
after add:
<div class="tagcloud"><?php UTW_ShowWeightedTagSetAlphabetical("coloredsizedtagcloud","","20") ?></div>
and click update file
Note: You can tweak and adjust the font color, size and other settings for the tag cloud by navigating to Options -> Tags. Scroll down to the section Global Formatting Settings, make your adjustments and then click Save to accept the changes.
4. Finally, go view your site.