Life Path Number Calculator | Numerology

Life Path Number Calculator: Life path numbers are a central concept in numerology; stemming from a belief system that suggests that numbers have special significance and can provide insights into a person's personality, traits, and life path. This number is derived from a person's date of birth and is considered one of the most important numbers in their numerology chart.

What are Life Path Numbers in Numerology?

Life Path Number Calculator

Life Path Numbers in numerology are also often called soul, destiny or spiritual path numbers. They are derived from adding together the individual digits of a birthdate until you get a single digit number, except for master numbers (11, 22, and 33), which are considered special and not reduced further. Therefore, there are a total of 9 possible single digit life path numbers (1 through 9), and three master numbers (11, 22, and 33).

So, in total, there are 12 different spiritual numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, and 33. Here's a chart showing the breakdown of all Life Path Numbers along with the characteristics of each:

Life Path Numerology Chart

Life Path Number 1
Traits: Leadership, independence, individuality
Color: Red
Celestial Body: Sun
Life Path Number 2
Traits: Cooperation, diplomacy, sensitivity
Color: Orange
Celestial Body: Moon
Life Path Number 3
Traits: Creativity, expression, social
Color: Yellow
Celestial Body: Jupiter
Life Path Number 4
Traits: Practicality, organization, service
Color: Green
Celestial Body: Uranus
Life Path Number 5
Traits: Adventure, change, freedom
Color: Blue
Celestial Body: Mercury
Life Path Number 6
Traits: Responsibility, love, balance
Color: Indigo
Celestial Body: Venus
Life Path Number 7
Traits: Introspection, spirituality, wisdom
Color: Violet
Celestial Body: Neptune
Life Path Number 8
Traits: Ambition, power, material success
Color: Black
Celestial Body: Saturn
Life Path Number 9
Traits: Humanitarianism, compassion, completion
Color: Gold
Celestial Body: Mars
Master Number 11
Traits: Inspiration, idealism, intuition
Color: Silver
Celestial Body: Moon
Master Number 22
Traits: Master builder, practicality, vision
Color: Coral
Celestial Body: Uranus
Master Number 33
Traits: Master teacher, compassion, blessings
Color: Rose
Celestial Body: Venus

Free Life Path Number Calculator

Out of curiosity, combined with my love for numerology, and studying the mysticism of these beliefs, I've created a free "Life Path Calculator".  It is a web based utility that works by calculating the summation of each number from a birthdate to form a single digital root, resulting in the singular numbers 1-9. Each number is tied to, represents, and then reveals a specific and very unique life path. The equation it displays is the equivalent and relevant life path information which was derived from a cumulation of my study regarding numerology.

Calculating your Life Path Number;

Life Path Number Calculator Tool

If you find this free online numerology calculator tool helpful, please feel free to share this page with your friends. Helping guide others to find their own spiritual path.

Disclaimer: This numerology calculator is being shared for free in hopes that you might find it both fun and potentially helpful when trying to establish some sort of direction in life. The information gained from it's use, is not random; all of it is fitting within historically proven numerical patterns. However, there is no warranty being offered for the information it reveals to you, as I cannot guarantee that your life will align with any given path.