Easily Remove meta name=generator content=WordPress

Easily remove meta name=generator content=WordPress: Starting with WordPress 2.5 and beyond, the meta tag was moved from the template files to the core of WordPress. This means you can no longer simply remove the call from the template. Instead, you need to use specific methods to remove this generator tag. It's important to remove this tag because it exposes the WordPress version your site is running, which could lead to security vulnerabilities being exploited by malicious users.

Remove meta name=generator content=WordPress

The following simple solutions allow you to quickly remove the <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.X" /> tag from WordPress. Removing the tag from your WordPress site is a crucial step in securing your site from potential threats. Exposing the WordPress version in your site’s source code can make it easier for attackers to target specific vulnerabilities associated with that version.

Below, we'll explore different methods to remove this tag, including using functions.php, plugins, and child themes.

Method 1: Remove the Generator Tag via functions.php

This method involves directly editing your theme's functions.php file:

  1. Login to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Theme File Editor and click Theme Functions (functions.php) from the list of theme files.
  3. Add the following code to the functions.php file (preferably at the end, but before the closing ?> tag):

remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');

  1. Click the Update File button to save your changes.
  2. View the source code of your site to verify that the <meta name="generator" content="WordPress" /> tag has been removed.

Note: Directly editing the functions.php file can be risky because your changes will be overwritten if you update your theme. Consider using a child theme to preserve your modifications.

Method 2: Remove the Generator Tag Using a Child Theme

A safer way to modify your theme’s functionality is by creating a child theme. This ensures that your changes aren’t lost during theme updates.

  1. Create a new folder in your wp-content/themes/ directory for your child theme.
  2. Create a style.css file within the new folder and include the necessary theme information.
  3. Create a functions.php file in your child theme’s directory, and add the following code:

remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');

  1. Activate the child theme via your WordPress admin panel under Appearance > Themes.
  2. Check your site’s source code to confirm the generator tag is removed.

Method 3: Remove the Generator Tag Using a Plugin

For users who prefer not to edit code, several plugins can remove the generator tag with just a few clicks:

  • Yoast SEO: Yoast SEO is a popular plugin that can remove the generator tag as part of its security features. Go to the plugin’s settings under SEO > General > Security and enable the option to remove the WordPress generator meta tag.
  • WP Hardening: WP Hardening is a security plugin that includes an option to disable the WordPress version meta tag, among other security features.
  • Security Plugins: Many security-focused plugins like Sucuri or iThemes Security also offer the option to hide or remove the generator tag.

Using a plugin is probably the most user friendly option and ensures that your site remains secure even as you update your theme or core WordPress files.

Why Removing the Generator Tag Matters

Search engines like Google prioritize secure websites, and removing the generator tag can help mitigate the risk of targeted attacks. This small step enhances your site’s overall security posture and ensures that you’re not inadvertently exposing your site to unnecessary risks.


By following the methods outlined above, you can effectively remove the remove meta name=generator content=wordpress tag from your WordPress site, reducing the risk of exposing your site to potential vulnerabilities. Whether you choose to edit your functions.php file, use a child theme, or install a plugin, this step is a crucial part of maintaining a secure WordPress installation.