How to - WordPress Horizontal Navigation Menu

CustomNav is a WordPress Horizontal Navigation Menu plugin for WordPress. It allows you to quickly create a simple or complex horizontal navigation menu to add to your WordPress blog. CustomNav features an easy to use CustomNav admin menu to insert or edit your button links, add styling and even contains an additional attributes input section for advanced users.

Screenshot of a Navigation menu with advanced styling

Custom Navigation menu

Screenshot of the CustomNav Administration section

CustomNav Menu Administration section

How to install CustomNav:

  1. Download the (No longer available)
  2. Extract the files from the zip
  3. Upload the customnav folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory
  4. Login to your WordPress admin panel and activate CustomNav from the plugin section

How to use Customnav:

    1. Login to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to Presentation-> Theme Editor
    2. Select your Header (header.php) file from the theme files listed on the right
    3. Add the following code to the end of your header.php file and then click the Update File button:

Custom Nav Menu - Add this code to header

  1. From the WordPress admin panel, navigate to Options-> CustomNav
  2. From the Create this many links input box, insert the number of link buttons you would like to create and click the Create button
  3. The fields in yellow are required, use the examples provided for reference. Once finished click the saveit button and go view your new navigation menu!