WordPress Plugins

Plugins for WordPress

The Best WordPress Plugins

My Pick of the Best WordPress Plugins. With so many great plugins available for WordPress that it can become difficult to choose which ones to install and use.

WordPress MyFTP Plugin

MyFTP is a file management Plugin for WordPress. It works much like a built in FTP client.

WordPress Duplicate Sidebar Widgets

wordpress duplicate widgets in actionThe following Duplicate Sidebar Widget Plugin for WordPress allows a WordPress user to duplicate or copy sidebar widgets and use them on multiple sidebars or use the widgets more than once in the same sidebar. Duplicate Sidebar Widgets is based solely on the original Jaw Duplicate Widgets plugin.

How to - WordPress Horizontal Navigation Menu

custom nav menu add this code to headerCustomNav is a WordPress Horizontal Navigation Menu plugin for WordPress. It allows you to quickly create a simple or complex horizontal navigation menu to add to your WordPress blog.

The Randomizer WordPress Plugin

random postsThe Randomizer is a WordPress Plugin that allows an administrator to automatically include a fresh, randomly generated selection of posts to their blog footer on each and every page visit. The randomizer makes for a nice addition to any WordPress site, considering that search engines love to see dynamically changing content.

WordPress Contact Form with Spam Protection

wordpress contact form screenshotI had a visitor ask me what kind of "Contact Form" I use to allow visitors to contact me via this Site. Currently, I am using the "WordPress Contact Form with Spam Protection" Plugin.