WordPress Duplicate Sidebar Widgets

The following Duplicate Sidebar Widget Plugin for WordPress allows a WordPress user to duplicate or copy sidebar widgets and use them on multiple sidebars or use the widgets more than once in the same sidebar. Duplicate Sidebar Widgets is based solely on the original Jaw Duplicate Widgets plugin. I have simply cleaned up a couple of errors, corrected the paths and made it compatible with WordPress 2.3 and beyond.

Please note that I did not create this plugin. I have simply fixed the issues that prevented it from working with WordPress 2.3 and beyond (up to WordPress 2.7). I am providing this fixed version of what was originally JAW Duplicate Widgets for others in hopes that I might help those who could not get the original authors version to work with the latest release of WordPress.

Duplicate Widgets Screenshot:

WordPress Duplicate Widgets in action

Installing and using Duplicate Sidebar Widgets:

This fix is outdated. The original Author has since corrected the original JAW Duplicate Widgets Plugin, which is available HERE

  1. Download Duplicate Sidebar Widgets and extract the php file to your wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Login to your WordPress administration panel, navigate to the plugins section and activate the Duplicate Sidebar Widgets Plugin
  3. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Presentation -> Widgets and use the options to duplicate or copy your widgets
  4. Drag the copied widgets to the sidebar you would like them to appear in and go view your site