Error from park wrapper: Domain is already configured

Recently I received an error in cPanel stating; Error from park wrapper: Domain is already configured when attempting to add an addon domain. The domain was previously an addon in one of our other accounts on the same box, and we were trying to move it to another account. As it turns out, when I deleted the addon from the other account, traces were still left behind on the server, making the domain appear to be configured.

How to Fix the Error from park wrapper and add the domain:

Colored paths should be replaced with your actual values. = the addon domain name

acctusername = the account user that previously controlled the addon

  1. Login via Root Shell access to your server box
  2. Remove all occurrences of the "domain name" from the following files or locations
  3. /var/named/

  4. Now simply try to add the addon domain again to your new account