Optimizing and adding Kontera to WordPress

With the recent introduction of Kontera in text link advertising, many WordPress bloggers have been switching to or adding the new service. Kontera is a publishers advertising system based solely on contextually relevant in text keywords that are discovered in real time on a web site. These keywords are then automatically turned into links to the most relevant ads found within the Kontera network of advertisers.

Through the use of Kontera ContentLink on a web site or blog, publishers can generate additional revenue while advertisers reach their most targeted audience. All on a Cost Per Click basis.

In the following sections, I explain how to Optimize the Kontera ContentLink text link code by adding or changing a few key elements to suite your WordPress blog or web site.

Changing the Color of the Kontera text Links:

By default your Kontera ad tag might look similar to the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
var dc_UnitID = 14;
var dc_PublisherID = XXXXX;
var dc_AdLinkColor = 'orange';
var dc_adprod='ADL';
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://kona.kontera.com/javascript/lib/KonaLibInline.js"></script>

If you would like to change the (Kontera Link Color) color of the text links, simply change the following value of the AdLinkColor code:

var dc_AdLinkColor = 'orange';

You can even enter a hex color code value to define a more specific color. The following example shows a hex value of Gray:

var dc_AdLinkColor = '#C8C8C8';

Typically most users make the Kontera ad links the same color as their regular links. However, I feel it's sometimes a good idea to pull in another text color to beautify things a bit.

Adding the Kontera code to your WordPress Blog:

Once you have edited the code with your custom color, your ready to add it to your WordPress site.I prefer to ad the Kontera code to the footer template (footer.php) just before the closing body tag. See example below:

<script type="text/javascript">
var dc_UnitID = 14;
var dc_PublisherID = XXXXX;
var dc_AdLinkColor = 'C8C8C8';
var dc_adprod='ADL';
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://kona.kontera.com/javascript/lib/KonaLibInline.js"></script>


Now, it is a good idea to target a specific area of your page to display the ad. If you just want a specific paragraph to get linked. Add a class="KonaBody" to a section of your code, and the content within can be targeted for links by Kontera for ads. For example:

<div class="KonaBody">Text that can show links from Kontera</div>

Blocking a section from being targeted for links by Kontera:

If you do not want an area to show links, add a class="KonaFilter" to a section of your code. For example if you do not want the content in the sidebar linked you can do the following:

<div id="sidebar" class="KonaFilter">This section will note show links from Kontera</div>

Simple approaches for Kontera and WordPress users:

In WordPress all you really need to do is amend class="KonaBody" to your div="content" section. This will cover all of the content you write, but yet filter out the header, sidebar, and footer sections.