WordPress with both Static Home and latest Posts Page

This article explains how to run a static front or home page while still resuming the chronological blog posts on another page. This basically allows a user to have both a Website and chronological Blog of the same content. For example if you write a page titled blog, it would be accessible separately at www.yoursite.com/blog. This article assumes that you've already set your site to use a static front page using WordPress.

Setting up a separate Blog Posts page

First you need to "write a new page" that will be used as your posts page. For example if you write a page titled blog, it would be accessible separately at www.yoursite.com/blog

Note that this posts page will be automatically populated with posts... just like WordPress does by default.

  1. Login to your WordPress admin panel
  2. From the menu, navigate to Settings -> Reading
  3. Under Front Page, check the static page option.
    WordPress Static Frontpage options
  4. Ensure the home page you would like to display is selected from the Front page drop down.
  5. Select a seperate Posts page (page that will list your most recent Blog posts).
  6. Click Update Options and go view your site!