This site may harm your computer: This morning 01/31/09, a glitch in a computer security program used with the Google search engine temporarily prevented users from visiting any website retrieved from Google search results. The problem was related to Google's Stop Badware (anti-malware) software. This software was created in an effort to keep Internet users from visiting sites that might attempt to install malicious software.
Between about 9:00am and 10:30 am CST the Google search engine could be found blocking access to almost every site. Moreover, the safe browsing diagnostics page would not allow a visitor to continue to view the page, hence the resulting page found from the Google search engine could not be loaded. This glitch may have forced many internet users to temporarily use an alternate search engine.
Example blocked Google Search Results
Safe Browsing Diagnostics Page
The Google Search Results "This site may harm your computer" problem did reside after an hour and a half or so of rasing havock this morning. Some may even question whether or not this was a hack attempt on Google that is now being covered up?