
My Personal Blogging Tips and Tutorials

Host Website From Home

NetServerHow do you host Website from home? In the past, web site hosting from home was something that the average person with a limited understanding of networking wouldn't dare attempt.

How to prevent Hotlink bandwidth theft

no hotlinkHotlink protection prevents other websites from embedding or directly linking to images, videos, or media files served from the owner's site. This practice can be considered bandwidth theft because the images displayed on the page are hosted remotely on the owner's site.

WordPress SEO Search Engine Optimization Tips

WordPress SEO   Search Engine Optimization   PageRankWordPress SEO Search Engine Optimization Tips; Search Engine Optimization or SEO works a bit differently for those of us using WordPress blogging software. In this article I will show you a few tips on how to optimize your WordPress Website to obtain a higher PageRank.

How to Embed Mp3 Music on a Website

play mp3 from siteIt is easy to Embed Mp3 Music, Audio Files, or Songs on a Website or Webpage, so that your visitors can choose to play music in the background while they browse your site. This can be accomplished via the html audio tag.

Show Visitors IP Address on Website

What's my IPHow do I show visitors IP address on my Website? The following tutorial explains how to easily display your visitors IP address on your Site or Blog through code, by using a PHP script.