Windows Security Tools

Windows Security Tools – Keep your system safe both on and off the internet

Free Antivirus Software

avira antivir personal free edition

Many Free Antivirus Software applications and utilities are available for the PC. In the following Anti Virus review, I cover what is, in my opinion a few of the best Free Anti Virus protection options available to help keep your computer safe and hold those viruses at bay. Please note, as with any free Antivirus Solution, there may be some features and options that are not included with a Free Antivirus Edition. For example, one might need to purchase a special copy or subscribe to get advanced features such as live protection, email protection or browser protection.

How to get Norton Security Scan for Free

norton security scan

Norton Security Scan was a Free tool created by Symantec, the creators of Norton Anti Virus Software. It was once used to detect if a computer was protected from known threats. The tool could be run to quickly scan a computer for viruses, worms, spyware, adware or trojans. And then further to remove those threats. You can also use it in conjunction with other Antivirus or Antispyware tools. Providing maximal protection against most common threats.

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool

malicious software removal tool

The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool can be used to detect and furthermore delete various viruses that might be running on your system. Some examples include: MSBlast (Blaster), Mydoom, Nachi, Sasser, Netsky, Bagle, Sdbot, Locksky, Wukill, Zotob, Atak, Torvil, Zlob, WinNT/F4IRootkit amongst 50 other viruses. The drawback is that this Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool only detects viruses that may be actively running on your system. For example if you have a virus that is contained in a file that has not been run, this program would not detect it. However, for systems that are thought to be infected, this tool makes for a good start at detecting and removing the culprit.

Repair Windows Update

internet recovery kit by rizone

In the following simple solution, I'll show you how to attempt to Repair Windows Update or Automatic Updates automatically by using an innovative little tool called "Rizone's Internet Recovery Kit". This tool can also be used in an attempt to repair SSL/HTTPS/Cryptography if your having troubles connecting to secured websites. I.E. Bank Account logins, PayPal etc.

Have I been Hacked?

Have I Been Hacked? Now What? Anymore, computer security is just as important as Home security. You wouldn't leave your front door open when you go out for a night on the town. So why would you leave your computer open for anyone to see? Well for most people, the signs of PC entry aren't as obvious.