MSCOMCTL.OCX or dependencies not registered

MSCOMCTL.OCX is a Microsoft Library Windows Common Controls file. Occasionally when a Windows user is installing or uninstalling a bunch of software, certain Microsoft Libraries can become unregistered . One such file that can become corrupt or lost is the MSCOMCTL.OCX file. Then, when the user runs a program or application that requires or is dependent on this file, they may be presented with the following error:

Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid


Error MSCOMCTL.OCX Screenshot

How to Correct or fix this dependency error

    1. First search your local drive for MSCOMCTL.OCX to see if it is missing. The path to the file is typically: C:\WINDOWS\system32 if you are running Windows XP
    2. If the file is missing you can download it HERE
    3. Once downloaded, click the MSCOMCTL.exe and extract the file to your C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory

Extracting the MSCOMCTL.OCX file

Note: Some users may need to perform this additional step to register the file:

  1. Click Start -> Run and type REGSVR32 MSCOMCTL.OCX