How to Boot Windows 8 Directly to Desktop

How to Boot directly to the Desktop with Windows 8: One of the most unwelcoming features of Microsoft Windows 8 for me, (aside from missing a Start Menu Button on the Desktop) has been the direct boot to a Metro Start Screen. I'd much rather boot directly into a familiar Desktop instead. Luckily, starting with Windows 8.1, users now have a choice to boot directly to the Desktop, skipping the Metro Start Screen. Oh, and a partial Start Menu Button is back.

How to Boot Windows 8.1 Directly to Desktop:

  1. (1.) Right Click on the Task bar, (2) Select Properties Right Click Taskbar
  2. From the Task bar and Navigation properties Window, (1.) Select the Navigation Tab, (2.) Check the box that says Go to the desktop instead of Start when I sign in, (3.) Click Apply to save the changes

    Windows 8 - Go To Desktop
    Windows 8 Boot to Desktop

That's all there is to it. The next time Windows 8 boots, it should skip Metro and go directly to your Desktop after you sign in.