Moving your Address Book to another computer

The following tutorial explains how to backup and restore the contacts from your Outlook Express Address Book. Creating a backup allows a user to save their personal contacts from Outlook Express and then import or restore those contacts later. This process is typically used by users that want to import contacts to another computer or would like to create a backup of those contacts in case of hardware failure or a virus.

Exporting contacts from Outlook Express:

  1. Open the Outlook Express E-Mail Client
  2. Click the Addresses button from the menu. It should be next to Send/Recv
  3. Click File-> Export-> Address Book
  4. Browse to the location you would like to save the file to and then save the file as Contacts (the file is saved in the location you have chosen as Contacts.WAB)

Importing contacts back to Outlook Express:

  1. Open the Outlook Express E-Mail Client
  2. Click File-> Import-> Address Book
  3. Browse to the Contacts.WAB you saved in the previous step, select it and click Open