Photoshop CS3 fails to install Update. When performing the Adobe Flash Lite 3 update for Adobe Device Central CS3, you might encounter the error: "Flash Lite 3 Update for Device Central CS3 failed to install". This is a common update issue that many Photoshop CS3 users are encountering. In most cases, it has been noted that the Device Central program won't start after a failed Flash Lite 3 update. It appears that the problem is related to missing permissions of Adobe specific registry settings. In the following, I'll cover how to fix the problem.
How to fix - Adobe Photoshop CS3 fails to Update:
Only proceed if you are comfortable editing your system registry. I offer absolutely no warranty for this information and can not be held accountable for your actions. Continue at your own risk!
- Click Start -> Run and type regedit in the dialog box and click OK
- From the registry, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and locate the DeviceCentral.advs key
- Right click DeviceCentral.advs key and choose Permissions
- Select the Administrators permission group and check to the box to Allow Full control permissions and click Apply, then click OK
- Repeat this process for the DeviceCentral.adpp key and then proceed to run your Adobe Photoshop update again
If all goes well, you should be able to complete the update and install without errors.