WordPress Tutorials

WordPress Tutorials: How-To guides for mastering WordPress. Learn to customize, and optimize your website with ease, from basic to advanced.

WordPress Classic Editor Defaulting to Text Mode

WordPress Classic Editor Defaults to Text Mode

How to Keep WordPress Classic Editor from Defaulting to Text Mode in PHP 8: Are you facing an issue where the WordPress Classic Editor defaults to text mode after updating to PHP 8? You’re not alone! Many users prefer the visual editor for its easy to use WYSIWYG interface, and this unexpected change can be frustrating.

How to Embed Mp3 Music on a Website

play mp3 from site

Embed MP3 on a Website: It is easy to embed MP3 music, audio files, or songs on a website or webpage, so that your visitors can enjoy audio content while browsing. Embedding audio directly on a webpage enhances user experience by providing background music, podcasts, or announcements without the need for plugins.

Resolving upload max file size php.ini Errors

upload max file size php.ini

Upload max file size php.ini error: If you encounter the error message The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini while uploading files to your website, it means that the file size exceeds the limit set by the upload max file size directive in PHP configuration. Below are the steps to fix this issue using one of several different methods.

How to make WordPress Permalinks work in Xampp

Xampp and similar localhost webservers that can be run from a local computer do not have mod_rewrite enabled by default. Furthermore, the AllowOverride directive is usually set to none, causing Apache to ignore an .htaccess file. If this is the case, your WordPress installation might return a 404 error, stating post not found and you would only be able to access your posts via a default permalink structure. I.E. http://localhost/?p=2. In the following simple solution, I show you how to make WordPress Permalinks work in Xampp and other localhost server installations. Upon completion, you will also have the ability to use .htaccess files on your local server.

WordPress - Removing Post Date from Permalinks

wordpress custom permalink settings

In the following simple solution, I cover the process of removing the (year, month, day) date from WordPress day and name based permalinks (post urls). There was a time when many professional bloggers recommended using a day and name based permalink structure. However, for present day SEO, many bloggers now recommend using simple name based or category and name based permalinks.

htaccess redirect downloads to latest version

redirect downloads

In the following segment, I cover using htaccess to redirect file downloads to the latest version of the file. Here you'll learn how to create a rewrite rule for redirecting all file download requests for earlier file versions to the latest revision. For example all files from filename- to filename- should be redirected to filename-

How to Delete WordPress Post Revisions

Delete WordPress Post Revisions

How to delete WordPress Post Revisions: The following simple solution covers how I delete or remove old post revisions from the SQL database. Back when WordPress 2.6 was rolled out, it introduced a new feature called post revisions. For sites with a lot of posts, this feature can really clutter up the database, at least with how it works in stock form.

Add Missing Title Attribute to Images - Astra Theme

img title attribute astra theme

By default the Free WordPress Astra Theme does not display the title attribute you add to your images. Img title attributes or image title tags are useful for SEO. It can be a real bummer to find your images are not showing the title attribute, especially when you have taken the time to enter and optimize them.

How to Disable WordPress Post Revisions

Disable WordPress post revisions

The following simple solution covers how to turn off or disable WordPress post revisions. Although I feel that most of the features WordPress continues to offer are constant improvements, I simply find post revisions to be distracting and annoying. So, I have personally disabled the post revisions feature on many of my own sites. You can too, and here's how:

PhpMyAdmin SQL Search and Replace

SQL Search and Replace

How to easily SQL Search and Replace database information from PhpMyAdmin. For example quickly change all occurrences of text throughout the entire content in a WordPress database - all with one update string or command. Using an SQL update query method is extremely helpful when you need to find and replace all occurrences of text in a database but do not wish to export the entire database just to make those changes. Database changes can be made instantly via an SQL query, all from within PhpMyAdmin.

An error occurred in the upload. please try again later.

IO Error uploading images Wordpress

IO Error uploading images to WordPress. When attempting to choose a file to upload, you may encounter a message stating An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later. It seems there are a lot of WordPress users, including myself that have encountered this issue. In the following simple solution, I cover why you might be encountering this error, and what I did to address the problem and get my WordPress Images and uploads to stick.

How to Create a CSS Pressed Button Effect

CSS Pressed Button Effect

In this tutorial, we will be creating a CSS pressed button effect. This button will have the appearance of being depressed and will include an option to stay stuck when clicked. The entire process is written for beginners and makes for a simple way to begin digging into and learning style modifications.

New Post does not show up for some people

new post doesn't show

New WordPress Post is not showing up or displaying for some people: I get this question quite frequently and in almost every case, the Post is flagged as Private. The reason most bloggers think it has been posted and is viewable to the public is because private posts are viewable to those that are logged in with administration access rights and typically after a blogger writes and publishes a post, they go View site without logging out. So, the post shows up for them as the browse the site.

WordPress SEO Search Engine Optimization Tips

WordPress SEO   Search Engine Optimization   PageRank

WordPress SEO Search Engine Optimization Tips; Search Engine Optimization or SEO works a bit differently for those of us using WordPress blogging software. In this article I will show you a few tips on how to optimize your WordPress Website to obtain a higher PageRank. PageRank is what the Google Search Engine uses to rate your site compared to other sites based on the same content. A higher Page Rank can set your Web page ahead of others in the search results.

Add a navigation menu to WordPress

This tutorial will explain how to add a simple Horizontal Navigation Menu to WordPress. The navigation menu or bar will allow your visitors to obtain easy access to your site and all of it's content directly from the top of each page or post.

Horizontal Nav Menu

Remove WordPress EditURI and wlwmanifest links

In the following simple solution, I show you how to remove wlwmanifest and EditURI links from the WordPress head section of your site or blog. You only need these if you plan to use Windows Live Writer to write to your WordPress blog. If you do not plan to use this Live Writer, you can safely remove these links. They are not used for any other purpose.

Changing tags from underscores to dashes for SEO

The following tutorial covers the process of quickly and easily changing or converting your WordPress Tags from using an underscore _ to a dash - for search engine optimization. Google and other search engines do not recognize an underscore as a space. As a result, they will merge multiple keyword phrases into a singular word. Perhaps this not what you want for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your keyword tag phrases. To fix this we can use a dash which is a space recognizable character for search engine crawlers.

Note: If you have previously migrated from WordPress Ultimate Tag Warrior to the Simple Tags plugin, this tutorial is also for you.

How to Remove Comments Off Text

In the following simple tutorial, I'll cover the process of removing the Comments Off text from all of your WordPress Category or Archive lists. A WordPress Blogger might want to do this if they have disabled comments globally and no longer need to display information related to Comments. If you need to Globally disable WordPress comments, see the article to Globally Disable WordPress Comments.

How to Hide WordPress Categories

WordPress cat_id

How to Hide WordPress Categories: In the following simple solution, I show you how to keep a selection of categories from displaying on your WordPress pages and posts. This can be useful if you no longer wish to use or display specific categories on your site, but have already been indexed for the category content from search engines such as Google and Bing. Upon completion of this tutorial, the permalink structure of the hidden categories are still made available to the search engines, however, the categories you have chosen to hide are no longer prominently displayed on your blog to the visitor.

Blocking Google AdSense ads

get firefox

There are times you might want to block Google AdSense text and image advertisements from showing up in your web browser. For example, if you're an AdSense publisher and need to do some editing to your site but would like to block the ads for your own safety. Or maybe you just want to browse the web without seeing any advertisements. Either way, this quick and simple tutorial should point you in the right direction.

Adsense WordPress Shortcode

Adsense WordPress Shortcode: In the following simple solution, I will show you how to create a WordPress Shortcode that can be used to display your Google Adsense ads anywhere within your posts or pages. This simple function added to your Themes functions.php file, makes it very easy to include your Adsense Ads with  post or page content while you are writing the content for your blog.

Simple Adblock for Internet Explorer

Simple Adblock Icon

Simple Adblock is an Ad Blocker for the Windows Internet Explorer Browser.  Created by Simple Adblock, this adblocking browser extension for internet explorer works much like the AdBlock Plus addon does for Firefox. IE Adblocker might be used to block flash ads, banner ads, rich media, fly-ins and much more.

WordPress Replace URL or Text in all Posts


In the following simple solution, I will show you how to replace all global occurrences of a URL link (or any other text) within your WordPress post content using SQL Search and Replace Query from phpMyAdmin. This is useful if you need to change a link or text that might appear in more than one post, without going in and manually editing each post by hand to reflect the new link or text.

Automatically Update Copyright Date - PHP

In the following simple solution, I show you how to use a little php code snippet to automatically update your WordPress Copyright Date every year (appending the new date automatically). The process is super simple, but I figured that there may be others out there looking to accomplish the same goal and thought it would be nice to post an example.

Display more than 15 recent posts - WordPress

Show More than 15 Recent Posts in WordPress 2.8 +. By default the number of recent posts that can be displayed in your WordPress sidebar is (at most 15). Maybe you want to display 30 recent posts or more? It is really a shame that the default limit is 15 posts, so in the following simple solution, I will explain how to modify the WordPress Recent Posts Sidebar Widget entry to Display More Than 15 Recent Posts.

WordPress Appearance Editor Missing

Appearance Editor

WordPress Appearance Editor Menu Option is Missing. I recently encountered an issue where the option to edit my theme files from the WordPress back end was gone. My WordPress Appearance Editor Missing - Gone! As it turns out, a setting within the iThemes Security was the culprit. Fortunately the fix was simple, and I was back up and running again within a couple of minutes. But, figured I'd quickly share the fix in case others encounter the same issue.

’ Strange Characters in WordPress posts

After upgrading, restoring a database or moving a WordPress site, you may encounter strange characters in your WordPress posts text. It appears to be a character set or charset encoding problem where apostrophes, hyphens, quotation marks and dashes appear in posts and pages as strange characters like ’‚?. The symptoms are obvious. WordPress posts and pages suddenly contain garbled, weird, or strange characters.

Include Adsense between PHPBB article posts

This tutorial will show you how to place google adsense ads between articles in your phpbb forum. When finished, Your forum will automatically show one ad after the first post within each article and continue on any additional pages stemming from that article.

Disable Image Attachment Pages in WordPress

WordPress Disable Image Attachment Pages. In the following simple solution, I show you one way to remove or prevent attachment pages from appearing for every image attachment you add to WordPress. Because WordPress stores attached image data in the database as a Post Type, a URL is automatically created for each image.

Reset Zoom in Firefox and Internet Explorer

In this Simple Solution I cover how to Reset Default Zoom Level for your Web Browser (Tested in Firefox and Internet Explorer). There are often times when you might use the Zoom feature of your Browser either intentionally or by accident.  The Zoom feature allows everything on a Web Page to scale larger or smaller, making it easier to read the content by zooming in +, or fit the content into your screen by zooming out -.

Embed YouTube Videos in WordPress

Copy YouTube Link

Did you know that you can embed YouTube videos in your WordPress posts without needing any plugins? WordPress comes with a built-in feature that makes this process straightforward and user-friendly. If you're looking to embed YouTube videos in WordPress, read on to find out how.

WordPress Double Dashes Removed on Post

WordPress Preserve Double Dashes

WordPress Double Dashes -- Removed on Post: By Default the WordPress formatting API automatically converts two dashes or double dashes -- to a single dash --. If you are posting code syntax or Linux command line entries on your blog, this can quickly pose a problem. There are many hard coded core fixes and plugins that work around the dash issue. However, an easier fix is already built into WordPress. Simply use the code button in the html editor.

Fixing Simple Tags - WordPress 2.9 Upgrade

select the simple tags plugin

One way to Fix Simple Tags after Upgrading to WordPress 2.9; In the following simple solution, I'll show you how I fixed the Broken Simple Tags Plugin after upgrading to WordPress 2.9. It appears that the Plugin Author has hard coded values to check the version of WordPress that is currently installed. If the value does not match, the plugin will not function.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of bytes exhausted

fatal error when upgrading or updating wordpress

When attempting to upgrade WordPress, you might encounter a Fatal error like we did on one of our WordPress installs when upgrading to WordPress 2.8.5. The error is typically encountered when automatically upgrading (from the dashboard) WordPress installations containing a lot of posts and or using many plugins. The Fatal error might appear as follows:

Bulk Delete WordPress Comments

mass delete comments

In the Following Simple Solution I will show you how to Bulk Delete WordPress Comments directly from the WordPress database. If you have hundreds of pending WordPress comments that are mainly spam comments, it can take forever to delete them manually via the WordPress dashboard. By using the following process to delete WordPress Comments, you can achieve this goal in a matter of seconds.

Disable WordPress Autosave

In the following simple solution, I cover how to Disable WordPress autosave function. Some people, myself included, are having problems with the WordPress autosave feature. The feature was intended to automatically save your work in the background after a certain period of time to prevent you from losing your work.

WordPress - Show more than 15 recent posts

This tutorial explains how to modify the WordPress recent posts sidebar widget entry to display more than 15 recent posts. By default the number of posts to show is (at most 15). Maybe you want to display 20 recent posts? Or more? I'll show you how.

Margin Different in Firefox and Chrome

Margin different in Firefox and Chrome or Internet Explorer? If you have spent a good amount time messing with CSS, you may have noticed that the margin spacing set for a Class or ID can often preview different between Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer web browsers.

Customizing the WordPress WYSIWYG TinyMCE visual editor

Adding addtional buttons or tools to WordPress WYSIWYG TinyMCE visual editor: Like most people, you probably enjoy using the built in TinyMCE visual editor that is included with WordPress. However, by default the included WYSIWYG editor lacks some essential tools like font color, font size, font family and more. The good news is that most of these tools are already included in WordPress but are simply not active. The following tutorial shows you how to add additional buttons to include these tools to your WordPress visual editor.

Add a button to change font color in WYSIWYG

font color text tool

By default the WordPress WYSIWYG editor is pretty basic. In my opinion, the average WordPress user is probably one that does not know or care to learn a lot about html (they just want to blog). In which case most people that use WordPress are likely to use the WYSIWYG visual editor over the code editor. One important missing element from the visual editor is the ability to select or change font color or text color. The following tutorial explains how to add a nice little font color selection tool to your WordPress WYSIWYG visual editor.

How to easily add AdSense to your WordPress posts

Manually adding AdSense to WordPress posts is a relatively simple task that can be accomplished within just a couple of minutes. In this tutorial, we cover the process of adding the code to the singlepost.php. This will allow us to display advertisements on every post only when the post is individually viewed. There are many places within the singlepost.php to add the code, for the sake of simplicity, we are going to cover the hotspot.

Add a Firefox Referral Ribbon Banner to WordPress

firefox referral ribbon banner

This tutorial covers the process of adding a Firefox referral ribbon banner to your WordPress site. If you are a Google Adsense publisher, you might be wondering how to make better use of the Adsense Firefox referral program and make a little more money by spreading the use of Firefox. Through personal experience, I have found the best way to give people the opportunity to try Firefox is to make the advertisement stand out. What better way to do this than to add the header to the top of the page?

Easily Remove meta name=generator content=WordPress

Easily remove meta name=generator content=WordPress: Starting with WordPress 2.5 and beyond, the meta tag was moved from the template files to the core of WordPress. This means you can no longer simply remove the call from the template. Instead, you need to use specific methods to remove this generator tag. It's important to remove this tag because it exposes the WordPress version your site is running, which could lead to security vulnerabilities being exploited by malicious users.

Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]:

warning array_keys

If your encountering a warning in WordPress stating Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/yourhome/public_html/yoursite/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 1044, your not alone. This error is fairly common amongst many WordPress users just after upgrading, moving or reinstalling WordPress.

Embed PDF in WordPress

embedding a pdf file into wordpress

Embed PDF in WordPress: In the following simple solution, I'll show you how to easily embed PDF files into your WordPress posts. There are many times in which I have needed to embed PDF files into a page or post for clients, enabling a visitor to read the PDF document right from the page. The process of embedding PDF files into a WordPress post is fairly simple, assuming your using a WordPress version later than 2.6.

Making a WordPress post template

Do you publish WordPress posts on a regular basis which use the same structure? Maybe you have a signature or picture you would like to add to every post? You can eliminate the time spent going back and forth between posts doing copy and paste functions by simply creating a post template. A post template can automatically add text, images or code to every new post you create. Currently, I don't use a WordPress post template on this site. However, I have set it up for others who use specific images and signatures that need to be added to the content of every post.

WordPress - How to change the more tag text

As a WordPress user, you may have noticed that you can insert a more tag to your posts so that only the text before this tag appears on the archive or category pages. By using the more tag, more post entries can appear on each page while still utilizing an introductory paragraph for each post. Then, when a visitor clicks on the more tag, they are sent to the full post where they can continue to read the article. However, the default WordPress more tag simply says (more...). In the following article, I explain how to change the more tag text to a text that is more meaningful like "click here to read on!"

How to add an Ultimate Tag Warrior Tag Cloud

The Ultimate Tag Warrior is an awesome plugin for WordPress that allows a Blog author to add keyword tags to your WordPress posts and pages. UTW is relatively simple to install and use, but contains many advanced features that the user can customize as well. For example, tag clouds (one of the most popular keyword organizing methods) are often used on some of the highest ranking sites. The following tutorial explains how to add a custom tag cloud to WordPress in the footer section.

How to Remove the WordPress Sidebar Bullets

Looking to remove the WordPress sidebar Bullets? The following tutorial is for those who use the default WordPress theme or a derivative of it and want to remove the sidebar bullets to make for a cleaner looking blog. The bullets normally don't appear if your using the Internet Explorer browser and although some people prefer the bulleted sidebar look, I tend to remove it on all sites I have helped develop.

Removing the limit of posts per page

Removing the WordPress post per page limit: By default, WordPress posts are limited based on the posts_per_page setting. Making many of your older posts incredibly hard to find for both search engines and readers. Like many readers, I hate (pagination) having to read through pages of posts in a category one page at a time. So I decided to find a way to make every post within any given category show up on a single category page eliminating the need to flip through pages. In the following tutorial, I'll explain how this is accomplished.

How to add Related Posts to WordPress

The following tutorial illustrates how to add Related Post entries to your WordPress blog. This is done in conjunction with the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin. If you aren't already using Ultimate tag warrior, I highly recommend adding it to your plugin list. There are so many awesome advanced features this plugin has to offer other than just displaying plain keyword tags. Anyhow, on with how to add Keyword Related Posts to your WordPress entries.

WordPress Search Button Inline after search box

The following tutorial explains how to make the WordPress search button inline after the search box in your sidebar. If your like me, you'd probably rather have the search button next to the search box rather than under the search box. However, by default, the sidebar widget employs a break between the search form and search button. This is relatively easy to fix as I explain below.

Optimizing and adding Kontera to WordPress

With the recent introduction of Kontera in text link advertising, many WordPress bloggers have been switching to or adding the new service. Kontera is a publishers advertising system based solely on contextually relevant in text keywords that are discovered in real time on a web site. These keywords are then automatically turned into links to the most relevant ads found within the Kontera network of advertisers.

Tag options for WordPress 2.3

wordpress 2 3 footer tag cloud

Starting with version 2.3, WordPress now includes the option to add tags to your posts. This included function works similar to the all popular UTW Ultimate Tag Warrior tag plugin with the exception that it's already pre-configured and included with WordPress 2.3. In the following tutorial, I'll cover how to benefit from the new WordPress 2.3 tagging option by adding the tags to your custom template. Note: if your looking for an All-In-One solution, my streamliner template includes the tagging option and is compatible with WordPress 2.3 as well.

Make WordPress Page or Post use different sidebar

How to add a second sidebar widget for use on separate pages or posts: The following tutorial covers the process of building a second widget compatible sidebar that can be used on specific pages or posts. Using a different WordPress sidebar for pages and posts allows the user to display different sidebar content on a given post or page. In addition, the user could add the duplicate sidebar widgets plugin to add the same widget content to both sidebars.

Integrating Highslide with WordPress Nextgen Gallery

Getting Highslide Working with Nextgen Gallery for WordPress is not complicated. Highslide is even supported by NextGen Gallery. However, the support in NextGen Gallery will only get the basic functions of Highslide to work. By default, the Highslide control bar navigation and captions do not work when used in conjunction with NextGen Gallery.

Change the excerpt length in WordPress

changing the wordpress excerpt length

Change the excerpt length: There are many cases where a blog author might want to increase or decrease the length of WordPress post excerpts "the_excerpt()". Excerpts are basically condensed descriptions of your blog posts and are commonly used to provide introductory "teaser" information about the post. In the following simple solution, I'll show you how to lengthen or shorten the excerpt in WordPress to suite your personal blogging needs.

Warning Cannot modify header information

empty lines after the closing tag caused this error

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at... If your receiving an error like this in your web browser just after trying to edit a file, the culprit is most likely that there are spaces, misc characters or newlines either just before an opening <?php tag or right after a closing ?> tag. In WordPress, the problem may appear from a corrupt wp-config.php file. However, the problem can occur in other files as well.

Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

How to increase maximum execution time htaccess

If you're encountering the error "Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded" when running a script on your website or blog, you're not alone. This default limit is common on many servers. In this simple guide, I'll show you how to increase the execution time limit, helping you to successfully run your script.

Change WordPress Admin Username

delete old users and move posts

Change the default WordPress admin login username: As I have previously mentioned , new WordPress installations, by default, use admin for the administrator username. This admin account provides access to the WordPress backend and grants access to all aspects of the WordPress installation. Since the default administrator login (admin) is well known, this can become a security vulnerability. A hacker could perform a brute force attack on the account and retrieve your WordPress admin login password, potentially compromising your site.

How to change the WordPress admin username

Changing the default WordPress admin login username: By default, WordPress installations use the admin username. The admin account provides access to the WordPress backend and all characteristics of the installation. Since this is well known, it can become a security vulnerability. A hacker can easily perform a brute force attack on the account to retrieve the WordPress admin login password.

WordPress 2.1 released

WordPress 2.1 (codename "Ella") has just been released from WordPress.org, providing many key improvements. This release symbolizes a major landmark in blogging software development. It looks like it might be time for us to do an upgrade. Just a few of the awesome improvements are listed below:

How to remove Ultimate Tag Warrior MySQL Tables

empty and drop utw tables

Ultimate Tag Warrior is pretty much obsolete (at least if your using the latest WordPress version). However, if you used to use UTW, and have since migrated to another tagging system such as the WordPress default tagging system or Simple Tags, you may want to completely remove the old Ultimate Tag Warrior tagging structure from your database to save some space and reduce clutter.

Operation Aborted error when using Lightbox

operation aborted ie error

The following tutorial explains how to fix the "cannot open the Internet site. Operation Aborted" error that is often encountered just after implementing either the Lightbox, Lightbox 2, Thickbox or Slimbox WordPress plugins. This problem effects Internet Explorer only and causes the page to partially load and then ultimately crash, resulting in an error stating that "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site", Operation Aborted. As it turns out we need to make the Lightbox or Lightbox based script load after the rest of the page has loaded. Firefox and other browsers are not prone to this problem.

WordPress - Set the maximum width of an uploaded image

In the following tutorial, I show you how to change the maximum size of an uploaded image in WordPress 2.5 and beyond. By default, when you upload an image in WordPress using the "full size" image option, the image is automatically resized to a maximum width of 500px. This works fine in most cases, for most people. However, if you are using a theme where your post content is utilizing a width larger than 500px, you may want to upload larger images to help maximize the space you have to work with.

Help - No Static Page Option in WordPress

static page

A friend of mine contacted me the other day with the following problem: Help, I can't find the static page option in WordPress. In the newer releases of WordPress, a blogger has the option to make their entry or home page appear as a chronological list of posts (posts page) or as an introductory static page. Using the WordPress static page feature will make your blog present much like a regular website. However, what many don't know is that this option is not automatically available and does not appear by default.

Add WordPress Sidebar in Posts and Pages

I've always enjoyed using WordPress blogging software from the day I first installed it. It's simple to work with, is well structured and contains an easy to navigate admin menu. WordPress includes a default template called Kubrick that contains a great simple base design to work with.

How to fix the WordPress word spacing problem

The drama of WordPress word spacing issues: When I first installed WordPress blogging software, I was impressed and thought to myself, this is much better than most of the previous open source blogging software I've used. As I started to become more familiar with WordPress, I began to find some small bugs and quirks. Most of these bugs and quirks were fixed with simple update versions of WordPress and third party plugins.

Move the Kubrick Sidebar to the left

Moving the Kubrick sidebar to the left side: The default Kubrick template that comes with WordPress is great straight out of the box. However, some people prefer to have their pages and posts laid out differently. One change I've seen many wish to implement is a left sidebar. By default, the sidebar is located on the right side of the page rather than the left. The following tutorial explains how to easily move the sidebar from right to left.

WordPress Adding Banners to a Single Page

WordPress Adding Banners: This tutorial explains how to add a banner to a single page or set of pages in WordPress. This is particularly useful for those that have the desire to display a specific banner on a per page basis. For example, you might want one page to present a banner but do not want the banner to appear on your whole site. This can easily be accomplished in just a few steps, so let's get started.

Remove Comments are Closed text from posts

I can't recall how many times I have been asked by numerous people how to remove the "Comments are Closed" text from the bottom of WordPress posts. So, I have decided to write a quick tutorial on the subject. The following tutorial explains how to remove the Comment option and Comments are Closed text from being made available on your posts.

WordPress with both Static Home and latest Posts Page

wordpress static frontpage options

This article explains how to run a static front or home page while still resuming the chronological blog posts on another page. This basically allows a user to have both a Website and chronological Blog of the same content. For example if you write a page titled blog, it would be accessible separately at www.yoursite.com/blog. This article assumes that you've already set your site to use a static front page using WordPress.

Ultimate Tag Warrior replacement for WordPress 2.5

Like most WordPress bloggers, you probably like to keep your WordPress up to date. However, when there are major changes done to the WordPress core, some plugins may fail to work as they used to. Such is the case with WordPress 2.3-2.5 series upgrade and Ultimate Tag Warrior. Those that were using Ultimate Tag Warrior, prior to WordPress 2.3 are likely to face some problems when performing a WordPress upgrade. This is mainly due to the fact that WordPress 2.3 and beyond includes it's own tagging structure.

Using .htaccess to redirect underscores to dashes

The following tutorial explains how to use .htaccess to redirect underscores _ in a tag url to dashes -. This is very important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because many search engines including Google do not recognize underscores as spaces between words. They do however, recognize dashes to separate words and tag keyword phrases.

What is Google AdSense Smart Pricing

Google AdSense 'Smart Pricing' is believed to be a factor that has a direct and substantial impact on AdSense Publishers Cost Per Click earnings (CPC). Smart Pricing could be considered Google's attempt to give AdWords Advertisers the best value for their investment while helping protect the Advertiser from click fraud and from garbage pages with minimal authority.

How to Make a custom WordPress Login Page

my custom wordpress login screen

The following simple custom WordPress login page solution is for those of you who want to customize and further beautify the Login screen, tailoring it to your sites look and feel. You might want to do this if you have a lot of registered members and don't want them to get bored with the default Login window. If you are logging into multiple sites, making this modification can help differentiate your sites, making it easier to keep track of which one your logging into.

How to manually upgrade WordPress

The following tutorial explains how to quickly manually upgrade WordPress to a newer version. The process is fairly straightforward and simple and shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes. However, I have frequently caught people including myself become lazy, skipping important steps of the process.

WP e-Commerce shipping to USA and Canada only

After installing the WordPress e-Commerce shopping cart Plugin, I had to do some modifications to the cart in order to get it to work the way I wanted. One of those modifications has to do with shipping. I think most people would agree that when your doing small business online, you don't want to ship to far reaches of the planet. You probably want to keep your customers localized making it easier to do business without too much risk. In the following tutorial, we will cover the process of setting exactly which Countries you want to ship to and remove the ones you don't. So let's get started.

What is a trackback and why how to use them

A TrackBack is a mechanism used for communication between blogs: if a blogger writes a new entry commenting on, or referring to, an entry found at another blog, and both blogging tools support the TrackBack protocol, then the commenting blogger can notify the other blog with a "TrackBack Ping"; the receiving blog will typically display summaries of, and links to, all the commenting entries below the original entry. This allows for conversations spanning several blogs that readers can easily follow. - Information quoted from the WIKI

WordPress Firefox and Position: Relative CSS problems

When creating or editing the content of a WordPress Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), many people neglect to take the time to check their work using multiple browsers, IE. Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Navigator etc. Unlike Internet Explorer and many of the other popular browsers, Firefox is one of the only browsers that properly use some commonly implemented CSS property values. This can propose a problem when viewing your work with multiple browsers.

Adding AdSense to WordPress category and archive results

This tutorial explains how to add Google AdSense ads to your WordPress category and archive listing result pages. Although there are plugins available to do this, it's nice to to have full control over how and where your ads are placed. The process is fairly simple and you should be able to implement the ad placement within just a few minutes.

WordPress broken by Plugin

At some point in time, nearly every WordPress Blogger will experience a broken WordPress blog due to the recent activation of a non compatible plugin. A broken plugin can wreak all sorts of havoc on a WordPress blog including the inability to access the WordPress administration panel. In most cases, when a blog breaks, the fix is fairly simple.

The following tutorial outlines a few WordPress quick fixes for a blogger to try when encountering the almost inevitable incompatible WordPress plugin problem that is causing site errors or limited blog access.

Automate WordPress Post Publishing with Post Timestamp

automate wordpress posts

Automate WordPress Post Publishing: There are the many features WordPress Bloggers rarely take advantage of. One such feature is Post Timestamp. I typically use this feature when I plan to go on vacation, during holidays or when I know I will be busy with other things. The Post Timestamp settings allow me to set a drafted post to be published at a future date (let's the post go live in the future) while I am away from the computer. The following simple tutorial explains how this is accomplished.

How to Turn off trackbacks and pingbacks

The following article explains how to turn off WordPress trackbacks and pingbacks. In most cases, a WordPress Blog author might decide to disable comments if they are getting an overwhelming amount of spam. However, sometimes the spam can still get through in the form of trackbacks or pingbacks, enabling an abusive user to spam links as comments on the affected blog. Luckily this feature can be easily turned off and or totally eliminated entirely from your WordPress blog in just a few steps.

How to set a WordPress Static Front Page

WordPress is perfect to use as a personal blogging platform. But did you know that it can also be used as a complete Web Site replacement? By using the Static Front Page option built into WordPress version 2.1 and later, one can literally turn a Blog into a Website. In addition, the user can still retain the Blog Post structure.

Display Adsense Search Results Within WordPress Pages

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Put Google adsense search results in WordPress: The results from an adsense search are by default, displayed on a google landing page. Google allows Website publishers to display these search results on their own landing page. In this tutorial, I explain this process step by step using WordPress.